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别名 | CGP-72670, ICL-670 | 储存条件 (自收到货起) |
3年 / -20°C / 粉状 1年 / -80°C / 溶于溶剂 |
化学式 | C21H15N3O4 |
分子量 | 373.36 | CAS号 | 201530-41-8 | |
Solubility (25°C)* | 体外 | DMSO | 75 mg/mL 200.87 mM | |
Ethanol | 2 mg/mL 5.35 mM | |||
Water | Insoluble | |||
* <1 mg/ml means slightly soluble or insoluble. * Please note that Selleck tests the solubility of all compounds in-house, and the actual solubility may differ slightly from published values. This is normal and is due to slight batch-to-batch variations. |
产品描述 | Deferasirox是一种铁螯合剂,是cytochrome P450 3A4诱导剂,Cytochrome P450 2C8的抑制剂,Cytochrome P450 1A2抑制剂。Deferasirox 引起的铁损耗可促进BclxL下调和细胞死亡。 |
体外研究 | Deferasirox 有效螯合来自Rhizopus oryzae 的铁离子,在浓度远低于临床上可实现的血清水平时,在体外对28/29的临床分离的Mucorales有作用。[1] Deferasirox 诱导显著抑制NF-κB的活性,并在28/40的外周血样本中诱导它的活性亚单位p65的一个细胞质封存处于非活性形式。[2] Deferasirox 可抑制3种人髓细胞系(K562,U937和HL60),其IC50在17-50 mM。[3] Deferasirox 是cidal在体外抑制A. fumigatus,MIC和MFC分别时25 毫克/升和50 毫克/升。[5] |
体内研究 | 在糖尿病ketoacidotic或中性粒细胞减少小鼠中,Deferasirox 显著提高生存率并降低毛霉菌组织的真菌负担,脂质体amphotericin B有类似治疗效果。Deferasirox也增强了宿主对mucormycosis的炎症反应。Deferasirox和脂质体amphotericin B联用时协同提高生存率并降低毛霉菌组织的真菌负担。[1] Deferasirox 口服给药大鼠,至少吸收75%,且生物利用度为26%。Deferasirox(静脉注射和口服)在血液循环主要在不变的形式和其铁络合物存在,Deferasirox有99.2%与血浆蛋白结合。[4] Deferasirox 单药治疗小幅延长小鼠对IPA的生存。[5] |
, Nature, 2014, 509(7498):105-9.
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Iron chelator deferasirox inhibits NF-κB activity in hepatoma cells and changes sorafenib-induced programmed cell deaths [ Biomed Pharmacother, 2022, 153:113363] | PubMed: 35834989 |
Tumor cell-imposed iron restriction drives immunosuppressive polarization of tumor-associated macrophages [ J Transl Med, 2021, 19(1):347] | PubMed: 34389031 |
Deferasirox induces cyclin D1 degradation and apoptosis in mantle cell lymphoma in a reactive oxygen species- and GSK3β-dependent mechanism [ Br J Haematol, 2021, 192(4):747-760] | PubMed: 33521925 |
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